A service for people who work in Dublin City Council.

*Dublin City Council Beta is an alive mechanism for imagining, testing and implementing ways to improve the experience of life in the Capital.

High-Fidelity Prototype


I collaborated with 2 service design students at NCAD to create a service for stakeholders of DCC BETA and the Dublin city council. I designed the product on the web and presentations and had meetings with stakeholders to discuss the issues.

Project type



Product / Visual designer


5 weeks

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After interviewing stakeholders, our team identified their problems and conceptualised the services they needed to carry out the project.


Key findings

The prioritisation process was not clear or universally applied. 

  • No linkage between the Beta projects and DCC strategic plans

Neither Management nor staff was clear on the purpose of Beta or the process. 

  • No job description 

  • No way to measure the effectiveness of the process

Staff were reluctant to engage with Beta. 

  • Slow, overly rigorous and inflexible 

  • It forced them to carry out research to find an answer they think they already knew

Key insights

Management needed to be able to see and understand the benefits of the Beta process so that they could use it to further the innovation mindset in DCC.

Staff needed to be able to deliver projects efficiently because they wanted to do their job well but they were reluctant to engage with Beta because they felt it would slow them down.

Learnings from projects were not being captured.


DCC BETA implemented new ideas for projects in Dublin to improve the lives of citizens,
But the process from idea selection to implementation in the city was too slow.

 User Journey map

This experience happens over a period or time-frame which varies from 3 days to 3 weeks and at which points the users need to be engaged and supported to achieve the different sub-tasks within that period. The user journey mapping was used to lay out these distinct phases so that they could be better addressed through the design process.

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 How might we

make it easier to obtain permissions to enable the process to flow as smoothly as possible?

 Visualise the process(ver.01)

To find problems in the process, we visualised the process in detail after interviews with stakeholders.

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BetaAssurance is one single platform that gives the user a good understanding of how the Beta process works and provides transparency to everyone within the organisation.



Identify what Permissions DCC might feel they need.

Enable users to understand what is happening during the permission stage.

Devise a way of making the permissions process as simple and user-friendly as possible so people will see the value of BetaAssurance.


Personas were created to allow us to better understand the potential users of BetaAssurance.
Scenarios helped us better envision the application of BetaAssurance in DCC’s working environment.

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Ideation and sketches for the platform

Ideation and sketches for the platform

Usability testing with stakeholders

Usability testing with stakeholders

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Learnings and Takeaways

No need for another main page

The information form is too simplified

Not clear where the metrics are coming from


mid-fi prototype

“Want to know the exact budget in numbers.”, “What if they want to have a discussion before rejecting the request?”


Final user flow

We tried to simplify it so that many people could easily use it.

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 Hi-fi prototype

The Hi-fi prototype allowed the users to get a sense of the final product.

Dublin City Council requested that BetaAssurance be accessible on SharePoint so we created a platform as simple as possible to use for the stakeholders of DCC BETA.

Projects(main page)As we identified the problem, we focused on their communication regarding the projects. So the platform shows the list of the projects on the main page to make them easier to identify.

Projects(main page)

As we identified the problem, we focused on their communication regarding the projects. So the platform shows the list of the projects on the main page to make them easier to identify.

Request formDCC BETA staff can easily request permission from Dublin City Council. One of the problems we identified was issues with the budgeting for trialling. So we decided to add the feature on the request form that provides greater clarification regarding budgeting.

Request form

DCC BETA staff can easily request permission from Dublin City Council. One of the problems we identified was issues with the budgeting for trialling. So we decided to add the feature on the request form that provides greater clarification regarding budgeting.

Requests pageWe created a platform to make it easier to respond to requests with a reminder system to ensure the efficient update of prospective projects.

Requests page

We created a platform to make it easier to respond to requests with a reminder system to ensure the efficient update of prospective projects.

Detail of the projectUsing a pop-up screen, the stakeholders can view the detailed information of each project and observe its current stage on a progress bar. Also, users can communicate via comments directly on BetaAssurance instead of emailing each other.

Detail of the project

Using a pop-up screen, the stakeholders can view the detailed information of each project and observe its current stage on a progress bar. Also, users can communicate via comments directly on BetaAssurance instead of emailing each other.

Upload formDCC BETA team had a complex excel sheet for the addition of new projects. My team decided to remove some unnecessary options and simplify existing ones.

Upload form

DCC BETA team had a complex excel sheet for the addition of new projects. My team decided to remove some unnecessary options and simplify existing ones.




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